Days 1, 2, and 3

Kickoff (1/7/2017):

Today, we had our kickoff in the south commons. We started the day with a pancake breakfast, which then transitioned into our kickoff presentation, and into the online broadcast. After the game was revealed, we split up into a couple of different groups to read and analyze the game, Steamworks. In addition, we taped up a mock field to give us an idea of spacing and placement of certain game elements, and give a better understanding of the distance between certain game elements, such as the boiler, airship, and human player zones. Throughout the day, we analyzed different strategies and design approaches. Towards the end of the day, we held a strategy meeting, in which we made a priority list and decided our day one strategy. We decided that our strategy will include being able to finish gears, climb, and score balls into the high or low goal. The high or low goal will be decided by the accuracy of our shooters by Saturday next week.

Priority List

1) Drive Train

2) Gears

  • Acquiring the game piece
  • Storing the game piece
  • Scoring the game piece

3) End Game (Climber)

4) Autonomous

  • Gears
  • Fuel

5) Fuel

  • Acquiring the game piece
  • Storing the game piece
  • Scoring the game piece

Day 2 (1/8/2017):

Today we started on prototypes for gears, picking up fuel, and scoring fuel. There were also students working on a first draft/proof of concept for a climber.


For the first version of the shooter, we decided to reuse a shooter that has been started for a different project a couple of weeks before build season. We started the day by improving it, adding a superstructure or frame so it can stand up by itself, and added a hood. After initial tests with directly connecting it up to a battery, we found that the current shoot, with banebot wheels, would shoot the ball up until it hit the ceiling. We later connected it up to our robot from last year, Midnight, so we could try variable speeds. We ended the day with an accuracy of about 60%.

Fuel Pick Up

There have been many different materials tried in our rapid prototyping stage. Materials tried include noodle, various forms of wheels, surgical tubing, and many more.

Day 3 (1/9/2017):

Today we continued to work on the prototypes that were started yesterday. The blog fill out form went live today, and was apparently not communicated very well, as there was not any submissions. Later blog posts will have more detailed information, so sorry for any inconvenience. This is from what I saw being improved/worked upon.

Prototypes – Lead

Flywheel shooter (fuel) – Grant

Catapult (fuel) – Kyle

Tubing active – Poorva and Josie

Acquiring Gears – Katy

Also, here is a picture of raspberries because I found them already uploaded herePlaceholder Image

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