Day 21 – Vision Returns (01/24/2020)

Authors: Ishan Shetty, Andrew Georgioff, Ritik Mishra, Ravisha Jaiswal


Today, the programmers spent some effort making the Limelight work on Sergeant Sammy. After getting familiar with both the 2020 version of WPILib (there are several important differences that impeded progress) and the example code provided in the Limelight documentation, they were finally able to create a robust automatic alignment button that works from 20 feet away, which is approximately the real distance that we will be shooting from.


Today, while poking around in CAD, we realized that we wouldn’t be able to fit a climber exactly in the center of the robot. Remember that the only advantage of a telescoping climber is that it pulls straight down (i.e there is no torque that is “inherent” to the system caused by staggering stages like with 80/20). If the climber is not installed over the robot’s center of mass, the system will experience a lot of torque anyways, so we may as well use something that is easier to assemble: 80/20. 

In order to ensure that 80/20 was robust enough to hold the robot’s weight, we ran several climber tests. Before beginning testing, however, we replaced the polycarbonate hook with one that is much more similar to Daedalus’s climbing hook: a 1/2” bolt with a plate on the end. 

The climber was successfully able to lift 140 pounds without showing any signs of damage. This is a promising result that will inform our final design. 

Time Tracker

Today, a new Time Tracker was started so that we can keep track of the room time of our members. The backend was completely finished and is centered around a JSON file which stores all the users and their time data. JSON was picked to represent the data due to ease of access and editability. 

The user interface for the members to be able to log in and logout will be done by Monday and the time tracker will be tested next week. A Slack integration is also being created so that team members are able to check the total hours from the team slack. Today, a small script was also created that is able to convert .csv files from google sheets (which was previously used to track time) into the JSON “database”. After the script was run, we were left with a fully populated JSON file with the data from the past 3 weeks.

Here are our members with the most room hours in the first 3 weeks (Congrats!)

  1. Ritik M: 60.25 hrs
  2. Andrew G: 56.75 hrs
  3. Danny G: 55.61 hrs

Code for the Time Tracker is on our Github:

“I wonder if wet bones would be crunchy or soggy” – Isaac AJ 

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