Day 25 – CAD, CAD, and more CAD (1/28/2020)

Authors: Andrew Georgioff

Today was a quieter day, with mostly meetings and CAD occurring. There were programming and summer camps meetings, as well as a team meeting, though many members spent the day finalizing CAD drawings to be sent to CEM.

Summer Camps Meeting

There was another meeting to discuss the curriculum for the summer camps. Much of the curriculum was determined at this meeting, but we still have one more camp to determine curriculum for. We also need to determine many of the more specific details for the camps, such as needed parts to order and to assemble.


For the majority of the day, CAD was the primary focus. The goal for CAD is still to have completed drawings to send to CEM by tomorrow, though much modification was still needed to perfect the design.

Quote of the day: Would duck calls be an illegal pneumatic device? – Ryan Mikol, Scouting and Strategy Lead

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