Authors: Andrew Georgioff, Ritik Mishra Active Intake Parts Parts were brought in the room today by one of our members who cut them with a waterjet. There were originally more holes in the design for weight-saving purposes, but he had to remove them as they increased the cut time by…
Day 32 – 3D Printer Setup (2/04/2020)
Authors: Andrew Georgioff, Ritik Mishra 3D Printer We were taught how to operate our new Stratasys 3D printer by a Stratasys employee. We received the printer from Stratasys on the 27th. A basic set of rules was also determined for the 3d printer to ensure proper usage. The two main…
Day 30 – Sent CADs (02/02/2020)
Authors: Andrew Georgioff, Ritik Mishra Flywheel Testing We tested the flywheel today to get some final measurements on how much compression is ideal for maximum power. Through this testing, we decided to set the compression to 1.5 inches for now. CAD Drawings Today, we finished CAD & technical drawings for…
Day 28 – Intake Prototype and Code Stuffs (1/31/2020)
Authors: Ritik Mishra Intake Prototype Today, we tested a new intake design. This design is meant to truly intake the ball over the bumper, as opposed to intaking it over a frame cutout. The design has 3 rubber rollers arranged to guide the ball up and over the bumper without…
Day 27 – Code and Hopper (1/30/2020)
Authors: Andrew Georgioff, Ishan Shetty, Ritik Mishra Robot Code The robot code is also being worked on currently so that the robot is programmatically ready for driver’s tests in a couple of days. Currently, the rookies are being helped with making different subsystems on the robot. These subsystems include intake,…
Day 25 – CAD, CAD, and more CAD (1/28/2020)
Authors: Andrew Georgioff Today was a quieter day, with mostly meetings and CAD occurring. There were programming and summer camps meetings, as well as a team meeting, though many members spent the day finalizing CAD drawings to be sent to CEM. Summer Camps Meeting There was another meeting to discuss…
Day 24 – The Return of the SOLIDWORKS (1/27/2020)
Authors: Andrew Georgioff, Danny Georgioff, Intro Today was a CAD day as we are aiming to send CAD to CEM tomorrow. Printer Today, we got a printer donated from Stratasys! We are currently working with Stratasys to set up a training session and get it fully set up with materials,…
Day 23 – Wheel Selection (1/26/2020)
Authors: Ritik Mishra, Andrew Georgioff Wheel of Fortune The completed Control Panel/Wheel of Fortune was brought in today. This allowed us to clearly see how much space you had when driving underneath it. In the future, this will allow us to test mechanisms and code for completing the control panel…
Day 22 – Wheels Down! (1/25/2020)
Authors: Andrew Georgioff, Ritik Mishra Climbing We received and assembled the generator switch (climbing bar) using ladders as temporary supports. This allowed us to more realistically test the climber and roughly test the effect of spacing and weight on the switch angle. Through this testing, we determined that it should…
Day 21 – Vision Returns (01/24/2020)
Authors: Ishan Shetty, Andrew Georgioff, Ritik Mishra, Ravisha Jaiswal Vision Today, the programmers spent some effort making the Limelight work on Sergeant Sammy. After getting familiar with both the 2020 version of WPILib (there are several important differences that impeded progress) and the example code provided in the Limelight documentation,…