Day 40 (2/14/18)

Authors – Ritik Mishra, Grant Silewski Introduction We got a lot of work done on both robots this weekend! We added limit switches to our practice robot, hooked up some more encoders, and fixed small issues all around that needed to be addressed. We also made considerable progress on our…

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Day 31 (2/5/2018)

Authors – Grant Silewski, Ritik Mishra Introduction We have almost finished the practice robot! This weekend we pretty much worked on everything and got it to work. We even got our robot to drive around! More specifically, we adding chain to the drivetrain, finished putting together the butterfly, added the…

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Day 28 (2/2/2018)

Authors – Andrew Gazelka, Ritik Mishra, Grant Silewski Introduction After a few weeks, we finally got most of the parts back from CEM, or rather enough for us to almost completely finish a practice robot, and make many of the subsystems for the competition robot. CEM is an amazing sponsor, and…

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Day 11 (1/16/2018)

Introduction The team voted on prototypes today. The engineering leads will discuss this decision later this week. That decision will most likely be on Thursday.   The team decided on the following: For the active intake, we wanted an elevator integrated active intake. For lifting, we decided that we should…

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