Author: Dylan Curry More Prototyping Today started off very slowly but things quickly picked up as we started to work on some more prototypes. Today we worked on disassembling the old intake design that we have decided to use for the main robot. We also used the same parts from…
2022 Build Season Day 11 (1/18/2022)
Author: Dylan Curry Prototype voting. Today During our weekly team meeting we all came together and voted on all of our different ideas and designs. During the meeting the team talked about these designs. We all discussed on what works well with the designs and what doesn’t. Once we finished…
2022 Build Season Day 10 (1/17/2022)
Authors: Devh, Pearl Adjustable Hood The adjustable hood rotates the limelight 360 degrees so that it has a better view of the hoops on the field. Using a NEO, it lets the gears spin. The smaller gear is the one attached to the NEO. The programming team tried to make…
2022 Build Season Day 8 (1/15/2022)
Prototypes Today, Talon members continued to prototype and refine subsystem ideas for the upcoming season. From active intakes that deploy with parallel bars to unprecedented turrets that our team has only dabbled in, this season Talon members are reaching out of their comfort zone trying new concepts, while still staying…
2022 Build Season Day 6 (1/13/2022)
Author: Dylan Curry More Prototyping And Work Today is the fifth day since Rapid React was announced and we are still hard at work with all the prototypes we are making. Today we continued work on our intake and outtake prototypes. We have also started to get the measurements right…
2022 Build Season Day 4 (1/11/2022)
Authors: Dylan Curry, Kenny Nguyen Day Summary Today was the third day since Rapid React was announced and everyone was hard at work. The subteams divided into groups to figure out how we will conquer the great challenge that is ahead of us. For all of this week everyone will…
2022 Build Season Day 3 (1/10/2022)
Authors: Kenny Nguyen, Dylan Curry Prototypes Today talon members were successfully able to make a prototype climber that could hang and pull itself up into a parallel position as it would climb the bars. Although unfinished the design so far appears to work smoothly. The Climber Prototype 1 uses pistons…
2022 Build Season Day 2 (1/9/2022)
Authors: Aedin Yu, Michael Proper Intake Prototypes: One of our strategies this year is to avoid the human player feeder station and pick up balls on the ground instead. In order to do this, we plan to create an active intake that will go over the bumper. With fresh ideas…
2022 Build Season Kickoff (1/8/2022)
Authors: Dylan Curry, Rapid React Today on January 8th Talon robotics joined thousands of other teams on watching this years game reveal. We all gather together to have a pancake breakfast where we would wait for First to reveal this years game on twitch. As we watched on twitch we…
regional stuff
Week one Duluth tournament meow item 1 item 2 2