Thank you for your interest in joining FRC Team 2502 Talon Robotics! We are glad to have you as a member. You are welcome to join us for a visit at any time but to be eligible for travel, lettering, and recognition you must be a valid team member. To become a valid team member, please complete the following 3 steps.
Step 1: Team Registration & Email Communication
Our team uses a contact management software called NeonCRM to keep track of our members and sponsors, communicate with team members and promote events. Each student MUST be registered in NeonCRM and we strongly encourage parents to be registered as well so they will get our mailings and team communications.
New Members & Friends
Register here to create your account on NeonCRM. After logging in, click on “View Talon Robotics Events” in the dropdown, and register for the “Team Registration 2020/21” event. You will then receive an email confirming that you registered. Make sure that you register with your personal email, NOT an EP school email, as the school’s email filtering system blocks our emails due to their formatting.
Current Members
If you were already registered, go to the NeonCRM login and, after logging in, click on “View Talon Robotics Events” in the dropdown, and register for the “Team Registration 2020/21” event. You will then receive an email confirming that you registered. Make sure that you register with your personal email, NOT an EP school email, as the school’s email filtering system blocks our emails due to their formatting.
Step 2: MyPaymentsPlus Registration
More info to come
Step 3: FIRST Registration
The FIRST organization requires that all students be registered and have a valid consent and release form completed each year. This requires that all students under 18 years old get parent permission to participate on our team. Students will need to login to the Student Team Member Information System (STIMS) and apply to Team2502 and THEN parents need to approve their application.
New Members
Go to and click on login to create your account. An adult will also need to create an account and then add their student’s information and finally apply to Team 2502.
Current Members
Go to and enter the email and password that you used last year to login to your account. If you are under 18 your parent will need to login and then go to you (the student) and “apply” to Team 2502.